Advanced types

Here are some advanced types used to build abstract syntax tree.


This module contains all about variables in pseudocode.

class pseudo.type.variable.Assignment(target: pseudo.type.variable.Variable, value: pseudo.type.base.Value, object_class=<class 'pseudo.runtime.MemoryObject'>, line: str = '')

Node for representing assignments.

- target

Target variable.

- value

Value to assign.

class pseudo.type.variable.Increment(key: str, line: str = '')

Representing incrementation of iterator.

- key

str, Key of iterator.

- line

str, Representation of operation in pseudocode.

class pseudo.type.variable.Variable(value, indices=[])

Node for representing variables.

- value

Name of the variable.

- indices

List of indices.


This module contains everything about conditional statements in pseudocode.

class pseudo.type.conditional.Condition(condition, true, false=None, line='')

Node for representing conditional expressions (if).

- condition

Condition to check

- true

List to evaluate if condition is true

- false

List to evaluate if condition is false (optional)

- line

String of pseudocode representation

pseudo.type.conditional.read_if(lexer, indent_level: int = 0) → pseudo.type.conditional.Condition

Read if statement from stream. This function expect stream cursor be after if keyword:

'if condition then'
  • lexer (-) – Lexer object used to apply lexing rules.
  • indent_level (-) – int, Indicates level of indentation passed to children.

This module contains classes for representing operations in AST.

class pseudo.type.operation.Operation(operator, left, right)

Operation node.

class pseudo.type.operation.Operator(value, line='')

Opartor class for representing mathematical operator.

pseudo.type.operation.is_operator(c) → bool

Checks if given char is an allowed operator.


Return operator from input stream.

Parameters:stream (-) – Input stream